Pushing Positivity

Everyone Looks Rich on Social Media

In this day and age, it seems like everyone is obsessed with looking extremely successful. Pictures of large amounts of cash, foreign cars, designer clothes, and flashy jewelry are normal to come across on your social media timeline. However, this new craze of looking successful has caused me to wonder if my generation is really working hard and building a bright future for themselves or if everyone one is just simply "keeping up with the Joneses."

Yesterday, I had a conversation with one of my close friends Kevin, in which we both agreed the hardest thing about reaching a goal is "being still." It is very easy to earn some money and spend it frivolously on material things. In turn, it is much harder to save the money you earn and put it towards a future venture that has no immediate pay out but will ultimately benefit you in the long run. If my generation doesn't learn how to stop chasing the idea of looking rich, I believe that within the next 10-15 years we will start to see a larger wealth gap between millennials. Millennials who were preparing for financial independence will enjoy the fruits of their labor and millennials who chose to simply live for today will do just that.

To anyone out there who is chasing a dream, make sure to have fun and enjoy life but always remember things get greater later for those who work hard. There is no such thing as random.

-Trav Inspires