Pushing Positivity

Abundance or Lack? (The Choice is Yours)

I was just thinking about life and how crazy it is. Life is a constant battle in which you face opposition daily. You must consistently choose to elevate higher than your circumstances. If you don’t hold an intention in your mind and heart then you make yourself more susceptible to penetration from opposition. Your mind, body, and spirit can all be penetrated without you even knowing. Someone cut you off in traffic and you reacted angrily by honking and screaming at your own windshield. The person who cut you off went about their day but you can’t seem to let it go and continue to allow the anger to magnify. You finally arrive at your destination, the local grocery store, but you are still mumbling under your breathe over the dumbass who failed to use his blinker. You find a parking spot outside of the store and just as you are about to pull in a car speeds into the parking spot you had your eye on. What’s worse is the driver doesn’t even acknowledge you. You feel like the world is against you this morning. Today must be a terrible day if your morning has started like this. What comes next? You explode. Congratulations, you have just been penetrated.

Constantly being reactive to occurrences in your life is a slippery slope. Instead of being reactive to what life throws at you, you must be proactive and choose to have a great day no matter what occurs in the outside world. Choose to be happy and you will be happy. Choose to smile and you will smile. Choose to focus on the negative aspects of life and negativity will surely find you.

Whatever energy you put into the universe will then return onto you - better known as the Law of Karma. Whether you believe in karma or not you should know that you are creating your life through conscious or unconscious decisions and words daily. Focus on seeing life through a better lens and using more positive language on a daily basis. Try it for one day and see how you feel at the end of the day. If you notice a difference then continue along your path. If you don’t notice a difference you may have more work to do an should try again nonetheless. My question to you is will you decide to experience peace and abundance or will you continue to experience frustration and turmoil? No matter what occurs in your life, the daily choice is yours.

Choose Wisely.